ANSYS Workbench provides engineers and researchers with a unified environment to perform various types of simulations, such as structural analysis, fluid dynamics, thermal analysis, electromagnetic simulations, and more. It allows users to create, manage, and analyse complex simulations using a user-friendly graphical interface.
- Understanding the concepts of FEA.
- Studying the structural behavior/mechanics based on different scenarios.
- Preparing the real-time modeling to perform structural and thermal simulation.
- Discretizing.
- Evaluating and Interpreting simulation results.
Participants learn the concept of FEA and the workflow including setting up simulation models, define
boundary conditions, choose appropriate solver settings and interpret simulation results. Practical
Exercises and hands-on workshops where participants work on real world simulation projects like steel
structures & platforms. Product simulation related Automotive, Aerospace and other mechanical
components thereby predicting their life cycles. Participants can gain ability to analyze the thermal and
structural behavior of products which can give a boost to Electrical and Electronic industries.
Ansys Workbench
No. Of Days:
4 Days
• ANSYS 2020 R1 or higher is recommended
- Introduction to FEA
- ANSYS WORKBENCH GUI (Graphical user interface)
- Mouse & keyboard functions
- Project Schematic
- Linking Analysis in Project schematic
- 2D & 3D Analysis setup
- File Management
- Understanding types of Elements in FEA.
- ANSYS workbench Guide lines.
- Understanding Engineering materials and their properties.
- Creating custom materials.
- Working with ANSYS Design Modeler.
- Sketching.
- Sketch constraints.
- Draw & Modify Tools.
- Views Tools & Selection Filters.
- 3D Feature tools.
- Geometry File & Types.
- Theory and concept of 1D, 2D & 3D Elements.
- Applying the Types Elements based on different scenarios.
- Understanding the Meshing concept and different Refining techniques.
- Cantilever & simply supported beams.
- Importing Line geometry for structures.
- Working on 1D structural Elements for structural members.
- Finding out different forces on the structure.
- Plotting shear moment diagram.
- Generating simulation report.
- Importing Solid and Surface Models for other CAD packages.
- Defeaturing/ simplifying the CAD models
- Converting Solid into surface geometry.
- Working with 2D elements for surface geometry.
- Simulating Thin & Thick wall/ shells.
- Applying loads & Boundary condition.
- Finding out the stress, strain, deformation and other forces for surface geometry.
- Performing a Non-linear Analysis for large deflection.
- Understanding the plastic deformation.
- Understanding Load Steps.
- Working with pure SOLID models.
- Multiple part and single part concept.
- Meshing with 3D elements.
- Checking the Element quality.
- Mesh control & Refinement techniques.
- Applying loads & boundary conditions.
- Finding out stress and strain data.
- Evaluating Factor of Safety (FOS).
- Mesh Independence Study.
- Applying Convergence.
- Dealing with Fatigue Analysis for cyclic loading.
- Factor of safety due to cyclic loading.
- Performing Modal Analysis to find out Natural Frequency
- Mode shape results for different frequencies.
- Random vibration Analysis.
- Power spectral density (PSD).
- Buckling load Analysis for the structures.
- Interpreting the buckling load multiplier.
- Buckling mode shape results.
- Working with Assembly.
- Preparing the Assembly models for simulation.
- Meshing assembly components and Refinement.
- Contact Meshing and refinement.
- Defining type of contacts between assembly components.
- BOLT & NUT contact.
- Setting up the boundary conditions.
- Interpreting the contact results.
- Checking the Factor of safety of the entire assembly.
- Steady state thermal simulation.
- Conduction and Convection criteria.
- Analyzing the thermal flow and Heat dissipation.
- Temperature contours.
- Thermal flow results, reports and plots.
- Transient thermal Simulation.
- Time step setting for transient analysis.
- Coupling Structural with Thermal.
- Evaluating Thermal stress.
- Boundary conditions for transient thermal.
- Creating temperature contour animation.
- Electric simulation to determine the Electric field intensity and current density.
- Thermo-Electric simulation to determine the temperature generated due to Electric flow.
- Applying boundary conditions like Voltage and current.
- Coupling Thermo-electric simulation with structural analysis.
- Finding out the thermal stress.
- Generating Detailed simulation reports in ANSYS.
- Creating Chart & Table.
- Creating Line references for chart and table.
- Duplicating and modifying a simulation.