- Understanding FEA concept
- Understanding fluid behavior in CFD
- Understanding mathematical models and application
- Studying Heat transfer cases
- Setting up boundary conditions
- Solver settings
- Discretization methods
- Interpreting results
Participants should be comfortable navigating ANSYS Fluent user interface, including menus, toolbars,and various panels. Gain a solid understanding of the basic principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics.Discretization methods and numerical simulation techniques. Be able to prepare and import 3D CADgeometry into ANSYS Fluent and generate high quality meshes for simulation domains. Proficientlysetup CFD simulations by selecting appropriate physics models, solver settings and boundaryconditions. Understand turbulence models and selecting the suitable one for different types of flowinvolved in Aerodynamics, Airfoils, pipes & Fittings, Fluid mixtures, particle separators, heatexchangers, Electrical & Electronic equipment and turbo machinery. Extract and interpret simulationresults effectively
Ansys Fluent
No. Of Days:
3 Days
• ANSYS 2020 R1 or higher is recommended.
• Working CAD models will be provided by the trainer.
- Introduction to ANSYS FLUENT CFD
- Understanding ANSYS Fluent interface
- Ansys Design Modeler
- Mouse & Keyboard functions
- View controls
- Selection Filters
- Importing MODEL
- Model Setup
- Defeaturing
- 2D & 3D simulation setup
- Mesh Element Types
- Meshing Techniques & Optimization
- Evaluating Mesh quality
- Creating Named selections
- Creating enclosures for External flow
- Extracting fluid domain for internal flow
- Ansys Flow Process settings
- Dealing with steady state simulation
- Selecting Mathematical Models
- Assigning fluid types & properties
- Selecting Mathematical Models
- Wall Functions and setup
- Solver setup & configuration
- External flow conditions
- Internal Flow conditions
- Assigning boundary conditions
- K-Epsilon Turbulent model
- K-Omega model
- SST Model
- Boundary layer separation
- Y-PLUS Calculation
- Evaluating Y-PLUS
- Transient flow Simulation
- Transient simulation settings
- Transient solver settings
- Multiphase simulation for fluid mixing
- VOF method
- DPM (Discrete phase modeling)
- Particle Tracking
- Force convection
- Conjugate heat transfer
- Rotating Domain Analysis
- Viewing results
- Contour & Vector Plot
- Chart and tables
- Create Report
- Publish